
Diving feet first into the FAILSAFE Diet

Hi! My name is Emily and I’m diving feet first into the FAILSAFE Diet.

I have been suffering from random ailments my entire life and for the first time ever, I think I understand what’s causing it all: a sensitivity to salicylates, amines, and glutamate. I started with a low salicylate diet at the beginning of May (2021) and then dove deeper into a FAILSAFE diet in June.

For the first time in a long time, I feel like I’m on the right path.

Throughout my life I’ve had digestive trouble, chronic migraine headaches, weight fluctuations, bloating, difficulty concentrating, ringing in my ears, severe mood swings and irritability, and, most recently joint pain, brain fog, exhaustion, and unexplained hives (urticaria). 

I’ve tried a litany of elimination diets, starting with dairy, soy, wheat and gluten, and moving onto avoiding nightshades, cinnamon, and msg, and then more desperately to Paleo, Whole30, low FODMAP, low histamine, and low oxylate diets. It wasn’t until I stumbled upon a low salicylate diet and then a FAILSAFE diet that things began to make sense. FINALLY, I had an answer as to why random foods like coconut, avocado, cherries, lemons, olive oil, bananas, chocolate, and broccoli made me feel like crap. They were all high in food chemicals. 

I’m still in the thick of the elimination diet and identifying my trigger foods. I’m also working on cleaning up the products I use on my skin and around my home — things like hand soap, shampoo and conditioner, lotions, sunscreens, cleaning products, laundry detergent, toothpaste and more. 

I’m also figuring out what my “canary in the coal mine” symptoms (side pain, indigestion, hives, pain and stiffness in my hands) are versus the ones that take a few days to show up (severe mood swings, negative self-talk, irritability, fatigue, weight gain, and puffiness in my face). 

My goal with this site (a nod to one of my favorite shows from high school!), is to document my journey and share what I’m learning about a low chemical lifestyle with you. I will do my best to link to websites, articles, and resources that I have found to be helpful along the way. And if you have any questions or need guidance, please reach out. I have already had so many wonderful people helping me in my journey, that I’d love to pay it forward. 

Here’s to trusting our guts and doing what we can to feel good — physically and mentally!


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